Sunday, January 31, 2010

if all evenings could be this simple

It was a good evening. I felt very peaceful and satisfied. I wish every evening could be something like that.

Eating out is not a luxury the Hubby and I can afford as often as we want to, but we get to every now and then. Thanks mostly to his Mom and Dad who love eating out and bring us along sometimes.

Just the other evening, the Hubby and I decided to go on a little date. My place of choice, he said. We hadn't gone out with just each other this month yet (I think), so it was a real treat for the both of us. It was in fact a good ender for that week in which I mostly stayed bored and depressed at home.

I wanted to try a place we hadn't yet eaten at. I don't know that many restos, so I Googled. I clicked on the ones that seemed interesting and showed them to the Hubby.

We finally decided on a Japanese place a few minutes' drive away from where we live. That resto's already been around for a few years; I've heard of it before but have never tried it prior to that evening. Their food tastes nothing like the usual Japanese restaurant fare - it's so much better in flavor, presentation, and serving time. I went home very satisfied.

What I like about Japanese cuisine is that it generally has less grease, and the servings aren't too humongous. I was glad to have room for dessert, because the green tea ice cream tempura was a wonderful washdown.

We walked around a bit after dinner, like we were teenagers on a random stroll. Luckily I wore my flats. We were kinda dressed like teenagers too; we didn't have company so there was no pressure to appear all presentable. Just semi presentable.

Since it was an early dinner, we were home before 9pm - a good, healthy time to start winding down. I settled down in front of the TV with my sketchbook and let my brain numb to the cotton candy comedy I watch every night.

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