Thursday, September 16, 2010

girls talk: going green

Whew! It was a bit of a challenge for me to find something for this week's GT - I realize i don't own anything green. Anyway, I finally managed to find something to share. I might be cheating a bit, but it's still all the right color. ^_^

First off, I live in a home with a garden (garden = green, right?). Instead of flowers and ornamental plants, we have herbs:

I love adding herbs to my cooking - they add that richness to the flavor and fragrance. I am absolutely glad that I can pick them fresh from the garden - not only do I get to save money (herbs at the supermarket are usually pricey), but I also have an option not to put unnecessary additives found in instant flavorings.

Among my loves in the garden are basil, oregano, rosemary and mint.

And while we're on the topic of green, let me share about my fascination for vermarine. It's one of my favorite materials when making fashion accessories:

Vermarine is a semiprecious stone, a mint-green colored quartz. Natural vermarine is rare, but the cheaper, lab-enhanced kind is produced by heat-treating amethyst (purple quartz). This here is a photo of a choker I made using unnatural vermarine and amethyst.

Find more green-mindedness at ...


  1. I love your pendant, it looks so gorgeous. I would love to have an herb garden but I don't have green thumb, wahhhh! a little portion of fresh basil at the store is around $3, wahhh! too much ain't it??

  2. That is one thing I hope to do: set up an herb garden. I used to have two pots of basil, but I forgot to take it to shade when it rained... and the next thing I new the basil was already dead.

    My GT post is up HERE.

  3. @Liz: $3! That's a lot for a small amount of basil :0 I don't actually have a green thumb either, but I am blessed to have a father who is good at gardening, and a house-helper who does a good job at maintaining the garden.
    Thanks on your comment about the pendant by the way :)

    @Jenn: That's weird about the basil - our basil here thrives when it rains. Anyway, I hope you can have your successful herb garden soon.

    @Peachkins: Hee hee. The secret is to ask help from people who are good at gardening. ^_^

  4. I love that beautiful choker, I am sure it looks good on you. Thanks for the comment girl

  5. Me too, I got an herb garden, but I haven't got a chance to take a picture of it. I got rosemary, pepper mint, lemon balm, spare mint, and the local mint (which we use for mint tea), chives and I love using them in cooking. I like your necklace art. :)

    My Green GT here

  6. wish i had a green thumb to grow an herb garden... that pendant is gorgeous! is it for sale? ;p

  7. i like the smell of herbs in the air, it has soothing effect.. this is the first time i've heard of vermarine, guess it's really rare. nice post!

  8. OMG. that choker is a love!

    as much as we want to plant herbs and other plants, we are surrounded by cement right now so no go. the last house we rented we have a mini-garden though, and you're right. it sure beats having to go to the supermarket to buy expensive herbs!

  9. Love the choker.

    And if only I knew what herbs to use with what foods etc (cooking isn't my strong point) hehe


Please keep it nice. :) Thanks.